Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oh, dear ...

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune considerately informs us this morning that Zubaz pants have returned to the sartorial landscape. Which is just the final proof, of course, that God has truly abandoned us.

When George Clooney or Barack Obama is caught dead wearing a pair of thee monstrosities, then call me. So I can jump off a building.

(Full disclosure: When I was a teen, I owned a pair of these. But I learned - the hard way.)


Anonymous said...

Dude, the only enjoyment I got from this season of "Prison Break" was seeing Bellick wearing a pair of Zubazes (is that the correct plural of Zubaz?) every week. If they do make a comeback, he gets all the credit

Anonymous said...

I never heard of Zubazes... we always referred to these pants as Joey Buttafuccos...
